icecream Tag

In 2021, when the Covid-Pandemic was at its peak, the celebrated Dessert Chef Janice Wong opened her first Softhaus Ice Cream Store in Singapore. A multi-sensory experience driven by the idea of togetherness, with the mission to be a “happy and healthy place for people”,...

Born in Tokyo in 1984, Chef Kengo Akabame decided to be a pastry chef when he was in high school. He studied and worked hard and took part in many contests to hit his final target  and become a world champion. Chef Akabame is actually a Pasrry Chef...

The World’s 50 Best Restaurants named Singaporean Angela Lai of Taipei’s two-Michelin-starred restaurant Taïrroir, Asia’s Best Pastry Chef of 2021. Waiting for the 2022 rankings, we have been honoured (and seriously had a blast!) while speaking with her, discovering her signature frozen desserts, where she gets...

Chef Angela Lai, 2021 Best Asia’s Pastry Chef, shared with Frozen Art Chef lovers an exclusive and tantalizing recipe that hit the menu of Taïrroir Restaurant (2 Michelin Star) the whole last quarter of 2021. Let us describe it as Papaya Milk with Toast and...

This is one of Chef Gaggan Ananad’s favorite frozen desserts. One of the best memories of his childhood that he loves to offer to his customers. Like many a good thing, Kulfi has come from Persian “Qulfi”, meaning covered cup. During the Mughal empire in...

Here is the recipe for a cool Lemon & Mint Sorbet (per 1 litre of the final product), made by Ferdinando Bellini, Gelateria Naturale Toscana (Sydney, Australia). Sorbets made with fresh seasonal ingredients and herbs are definitely a trend in the upcoming summer season in...

What's better than a "Gum Nut Baby" in the hot season?! Frozen Art Chef is pleased to share an exclusive and cool recipe ideated by John Crowl, the talented winner of the 2017 Gelato World Tour and Australian finalist at the Gelato Festival World Masters Competition. John...

由中国焙烤食品糖制品工业协会 和中国甜品锦标赛执行委员会联合主办的 第三届中国甜品锦标赛(CPC)决赛 于2021年4月29日完美落幕 周子豪获得糖艺组冠军 赵程撒获得巧克力组冠军 他们满载万众期待与祝福 即将征战西点亚洲杯和西点世界杯。 第三届中国甜品锦标赛在万众期待中如期举行。这是一个充满激情和创造力的甜品盛宴,是西点师们为我们创造惊喜的梦幻王国,来自中国天南海北的优秀西点师欢聚上海,追逐心中共同的甜品梦。 # 比赛作品 更多作品细节美图 ⬇ 左右滑动查看更多★Labo812 XPLP设 备 简 介 ★专业、安全可靠的意式手工冰淇淋机用于制作不同种类的产品,丰富您的菜单。这台机器非常适合餐厅等餐饮业使用,生产优质的手工冰淇淋:美味奶基底冰淇淋和雪芭。Carpigiani 卡比詹尼 作为中国甜品锦标赛赞助商,为选手提供顶级冰淇淋机械设备。感谢所有选手为我们倾情献上了一场美味盛宴。期待在西点亚洲杯和西点世界杯中见证他们更加精彩的表现!共同创造甜蜜美好的回忆。 ------------------- ...

Jackfruit Cendol Gelato Chocolate Bar 4 gelato chocolate bars. Chocolate World mold 1309 Ingredients Quantity (GR) Procedure Coconut Pandan Infused Mixture Desicated coconut 150 - Bake in the oven desicated coconut until golden brown Pandan leafs 200 - Mashed the pandan leafs Milk 1,000 - Infuse with milk and cream overnight and filter afterwards Cream 300 1,650 Coconut Pandan Gelato Coconut...